Sinustakin Kielolainen?

Tuemme yrityksiä haastavassa alkuvaiheessa ja autamme rakentamaan startupeista kasvuyrityksiä.

Me olemme Kielo, 100% yksityisomisteinen startup -sijoittaja, yritysyhteisö ja enkelisijoittajaperhe, jonka päätarkoitus on luoda uusia kasvuyhtiöitä Ouluun ja koko Pohjois-Suomeen. Kielo on aktiivinen toimija Oulun startup-ekosysteemissä ja auttaa kaikkia alueen startupeja ja kasvuyhtiöitä.

Sparta Consulting, a rising star in Finnish information security industry is getting a boost to its product development in form of investment from Kielo Growth from Oulu Finland. The brand new cybersecurity solution by Sparta is to be released during second quarter of 2016.

Kielo Growth is a company focused on helping startups with potential for international product business. The investment and incubation company was established in 2015 by Ari Takanen, co-founder of global success story, Codenomicon. Mr. Takanen explains that the investment is exciting for Kielo as cybersecurity is one of their focus areas and the potential he sees in Sparta is significant in this domain.

Sparta’s founder, Jani Antikainen, shares Takanen’s enthusiasm – “The investment made by Kielo Growth is giving us a major boost on our product development, where we will be introducing a market disruptor solution for detecting and controlling information sabotage threats. “Having Kielo Growth with Ari’s advisory, his business knowledge and trait of building success stories is at least as important as the financial boost provided by Kielo Growth”, explains Antikainen.

Information sabotage has been introduced by U.S. top intelligence chiefs like James Clapper as the new push of the envelope on cybersecurity scene. Practically none of the security vendors have addressed this threat and there is a reason – encountering it requires understanding of information management and business processes in general – talent that hardly any information security companies apart from Sparta have”. This, Antikainen states, gives Sparta a major advantage in the markets and Sparta will not hesitate to take it.

Originally published on Sparta Consulting pages: